What's That Typeclass: Alternative

You may come across a programming task where you want to implement the following pattern: try this and, if it doesn’t work out, try the other thing.

In other words, you want a computation composed of two (or more) alternatives which should be tried one after the other until one of them produces a useful result.

As an example, let’s build a function that takes a String as input and returns Just String if that input is either "bob" or "alice".

First, we’ll define two functions:

isAlice :: String -> Maybe String
isAlice a = if a == "alice" then Just a else Nothing

isBob :: String -> Maybe String
isBob a = if a == "bob" then Just a else Nothing

We can then compose them like this:

isAliceOrBob :: String -> Maybe String
isAliceOrBob a =
  case isAlice a of
    Just _ -> Just a
    Nothing -> case isBob a of
                 Just _ -> Just a
                 Nothing -> Nothing
λ> isAliceOrBob "alice"
Just "alice"
λ> isAliceOrBob "bob"
Just "bob"
λ> isAliceOrBob "charly"

This works fine for two functions, but becomes ugly when we add more alternatives.

isCharly :: String -> Maybe String
isCharly a = if a == "charly" then Just a else Nothing

isAliceOrBoborCharly :: String -> Maybe String
isAliceOrBoborCharly a =
  case isAlice a of
    Just _ -> Just a
    Nothing -> case isBob a of
                 Just _ -> Just a
                 Nothing -> case isCharly a of 
                              Just _ -> Just a 
                              Nothing -> Nothing

It would be better if we could use an operator (such as <|>) for this pattern:

isAliceOrBobOrCharly :: String -> Maybe String
isAliceOrBobOrCharly a = isAlice a <|> isBob a <|> isCharly a

Actually, the code above is valid Haskell. All you need to do to make use of the <|> operator is to import it from Control.Applicative.

It’s the main method of the Alternative typeclass, which we’ll cover in this article.

The Alternative typeclass

Let’s look at what GHCi can tell us about the Alternative typeclass:

type Alternative :: (* -> *) -> Constraint
class Applicative f => Alternative f where
  empty :: f a
  (<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
  some :: f a -> f [a]
  many :: f a -> f [a]
  {-# MINIMAL empty, (<|>) #-}
  	-- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Alternative ZipList -- Defined in ‘Control.Applicative’
instance Alternative [] -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Alternative Maybe -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Alternative IO -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’

This gives us some useful facts:

  1. A type implementing Alternative must be of kind * -> *.
  2. It must also implement Applicative (and, with that, also Functor).
  3. To implement it, you must implement <|> and empty.
  4. In addition to those methods, it gives you some and many, which we’ll discuss further below.

Alternative for Maybe

Alternative is already defined for the Maybe type that we used in the example at the start.

Let’s take a look at the implementation:

instance Alternative Maybe where
    empty = Nothing
    Nothing <|> r = r
    l       <|> _ = l

If you take a look at the definitions, you can see that empty :: f a is the identity of (<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a, very much like mempty :: a is the identity of mappend :: a -> a -> a in case of Monoid.

In fact, Alternative is said to be a monoid on applicative functors.

The truth table of Alternative Maybe looks like this:

Nothing Just r
Nothing Nothing Just r
Just l Just l Just l

Alternative for IO

Another interesting Alternative instance is IO.

Here, the first alternative from left to right that succeeds wins:

test :: IO String
test = fail "foo" <|> pure "bar" <|> fail "baz"

When executed, the first alternative (fail "foo") fails. The second one (pure "bar") succeeds, which is why the third isn’t executed at all.

λ> test

A simple parser using Alternative

A very common use case of the Alternative typeclass is in parsers.

Let’s assume we want to implement a simple parser that reads a stream of type ‘i’ and possibly returns a value of type a if the input matches.

newtype Parser i a
  Parser { runParser :: [i] -> (Maybe a, [i]) }

This Parser type wraps a function that takes an input and gives back Just a if it matches and Nothing if it doesn’t, together with the remaining unused input.

evalParser :: (Show i) => Parser i a -> [i] -> Either String a
evalParser p is = case runParser p is of
                    (Nothing, is) -> Left $ "parser failed on " ++ show is
                    (Just a, _)   -> Right a

evalParser runs such a parser and returns a more convenient Either with an error string or the result.

A concrete implementation of the parser could, for example, consume a numeric input and succeed if it is smaller than a given number or fail if it is equal or greater than that number:

parseLT :: Ord a => a -> Parser a a
parseLT a = Parser f
    where f input@(i : is)
              | i < a     = (Just i, is)     -- parser succeeds
              | otherwise = (Nothing, input) -- parser fails
          f input         = (Nothing, input) -- empty input - parser also fails

Running it shows that it works as expected:

λ> evalParser (parseLT 10) [2,3,10,20]
Right 2
λ> evalParser (parseLT 10) [10,2,3,20]
Left "parser failed on [10,2,3,20]"
λ> evalParser (parseLT 10) []
Left "parser failed on []"

Implementing an Alternative instance for our parser

First, we need a Functor instance for our Parser i a type, which is pretty straightforward and reuses the Functor instance for our inner Maybe a.

{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs  #-}

instance Functor (Parser i) where
    fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser i a -> Parser i b
    fmap f (Parser p) =
        Parser $ \is ->
            let (aM, rest) = p is -- run the parser
            in (fmap f aM, rest)  -- reuse the functor instance on the 'Maybe a`

Note: Above, I’ve explicitly written the fmap function signature in the instance declaration. It isn’t required but it makes it easier to understand what is going on. To do that, you need to enable the InstanceSigs language extension.

Before we can implement Alternative, we also need to implement Applicative:

instance Applicative (Parser i) where
    pure :: a -> Parser i a
    pure a = Parser (\is -> (Just a, is))
    -- with TupleSections could be written as : Parser (Just a,)

    (<*>) :: Parser i (a -> b) -> Parser i a -> Parser i b
    (Parser f) <*> (Parser p) = Parser $ \is ->
      let (fM, rest) = f is
      in case fM of
           Nothing -> (Nothing, rest)
           Just f' -> case p rest of
                        (Just o, rest')  -> (pure $ f' o, rest')
                        (Nothing, rest') -> (Nothing, rest')

I won’t go into the details of Applicative here, as there are excellent articles on the idea and use of applicative functors. But with that out of the way, we’re finally able to define the Alternative typeclass for our parser.

instance Alternative (Parser i) where
    empty = Parser (\is -> (Nothing, is))
    -- with TupleSections could be written as: Parser (Nothing,)

    (<|>) :: Parser i a -> Parser i a -> Parser i a
    (Parser pa) <|> (Parser pb) = Parser $ \is ->
      let (aMa, restA) = pa is
          (aMb, restB) = pb is
      in case (aMa, aMb) of
           (Just a, _)       -> (Just a, restA)
           (Nothing, Just b) -> (Just b, restB)
           _                 -> (Nothing, is)

But why do we want an Alternative instance for the parser? First of all, because of the possibility to compose multiple Parser i a with the <|> operator.

Another reason is the two methods of Alternative that we haven’t discussed so far, which we get for free:

  • some :: f a -> f [a] which means: one or more
  • many :: f a -> f [a] which means: zero of more

In our case, some (parseLT 10) will create a new parser of type parseLT :: Int -> Parser Int [Int] that expects at least one integer that is smaller than ten and will consume all the following numbers which are smaller than ten as well.

many (parseLT 10) is similar, but it doesn’t fail if the first element in the input doesn’t match. In that case, it will just return the empty list [].

Let’s try out these methods:

λ> evalParser (some $ parseLT 10) [2,3,10,20]
Right [2,3]

λ> evalParser (many $ parseLT 10) [2,3,10,20]
Right [2,3]

λ> evalParser (some $ parseLT 10) [10,2,3,20]
Left "parser failed on [10,2,3,20]"

λ> evalParser (many $ parseLT 10) [10,2,3,20]
Right []

some and many are very common and useful patterns in parser combinators.

If you want to dive deeper into the topic of parser combinators in Haskell, take a look at this post.


There is a typeclass called MonadPlus m which has the same semantics as Alternative but for types that implement Monad. So it can be seen as a “monoid on monads”. It comes with a default implementation based on Alternative, so you don’t have to implement any of the methods.

-- The MonadPlus class definition

-- | Monads that also support choice and failure.
class (Alternative m, Monad m) => MonadPlus m where
   -- | The identity of 'mplus'.  It should also satisfy the equations
   -- > mzero >>= f  =  mzero
   -- > v >> mzero   =  mzero
   -- The default definition is
   -- @
   -- mzero = 'empty'
   -- @
   mzero :: m a
   mzero = empty

   -- | An associative operation. The default definition is
   -- @
   -- mplus = ('<|>')
   -- @
   mplus :: m a -> m a -> m a
   mplus = (<|>)

Although you could use the Alternative machinery everywhere where you could use MonadPlus (as every Monad is also an Applicative), there are useful functions that only work in the context of a MonadPlus. For example, mfilter, which filters a MonadPlus with a predicate.

λ> mfilter odd (Just 1)
Just 1
λ> mfilter odd (Just 2)
λ> mfilter odd (Nothing)


  • Alternative is a useful instance to implement for your applicative functor if it has a semantic of try this or, alternatively, that.
  • Alternative can be seen as a monoid on applicative functors. In the Data.Monoid module there even exists a wrapper Alt that further shows this idea.
  • If you implement a parser (combinator), you almost always want to implement an Alternative instance for it.

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  1. Implement the isAliceOrBobOrCharly example from the beginning in terms of our new Parser i a type.

    So you come up with a parser:

    parseAliceBobCarly :: Parser Char String
    parseAliceBobCarly = ...

    You’re allowed to utilize functions from Data.List.

    parseString :: Eq i => [i] -> Parser i [i]
    parseString a = Parser f
      where f input = case stripPrefix a input of
                        Nothing   -> (Nothing, input)
                        Just rest -> (Just a, rest)
    parseAliceBobCarley :: Parser Char String
    parseAliceBobCarley =
        parseString "alice" <|>
        parseString "bob" <|>
        parseString "charly"

    As mentioned above, there is a very close relationship between Alternative and Monoid typeclasses, which provides the semantics of concatenation of elements of a list using Monoids mappend named mconcat. The Data.Foldable module provides a useful function with the same semantics on Alternative named asum :: (Foldable t, Alternative f) => t (f a) -> f a. With that, we could write the function above also as:

    parseAliceBobCarley' :: Parser Char String
    parseAliceBobCarley' = asum [ parseString "alice", parseString "bob", parseString "charly"]

  2. To be able to give the user better information about what went wrong in case of parser failure (parser didn’t match? parser reached the end of input?), replace the inner Maybe a with a Either err a and fix class instances:

    newtype Parser2 err i a =
      Parser { runParser2 :: [i] -> (Either err a, [i]) }
    newtype Parser2 err i a =
      Parser2 { runParser2 :: [i] -> (Either err a, [i]) }
    instance Functor (Parser2 err i) where
        fmap f (Parser2 p) =
            Parser2 $ \is ->
                let (aE, rest) = p is
                in (f <$> aE, rest)
    instance Applicative (Parser2 err i) where
        pure a = Parser2 (Right a,) -- TupleSections: Parser (\is -> (Just a, is))
        (Parser2 f) <*> (Parser2 p) = Parser2 $ \is ->
          let (fE, rest) = f is
          in case fE of
               Left err -> (Left err, rest)
               Right f' -> case p rest of
                            (Right o, rest')  -> (pure $ f' o, rest')
                            (Left err, rest') -> (Left err, rest')
    data Parser2Error
      = EmptyParser
      | NoInput
      | ParserFailure
      deriving (Eq, Show)
    instance Alternative (Parser2 Parser2Error i) where
        empty = Parser2 (Left EmptyParser, )
        (Parser2 pa) <|> (Parser2 pb) = Parser2 $ \is ->
          let (aEa, restA) = pa is
              (aEb, restB) = pb is
          in case (aEa, aEb) of
               (Right a, _) -> (Right a, restA)
               (_, Right b) -> (Right b, restB)
               _            -> (Left ParserFailure, is)
    evalParser2 :: (Show i) => Parser2 Parser2Error i a -> [i] -> Either String a
    evalParser2 p is = case runParser2 p is of
                        (Left err, is) -> Left $ "parser failed with " <> show err <> " on " ++ show is
                        (Right a, _)   -> Right a

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