
How to Choose the Right Database for Your Business
In today's data-driven world, businesses rely heavily on databases to store, manage, and analyze their information. Choosing the right type of database can significantly impact your organization's efficiency, scalability, and overall success. In this article, we offer an overview of various database types and tips on how to choose the right one for your business.
Upstream posts

10 Best Team Collaboration Tools
Organizations are driven by people, and people thrive when they communicate effectively. Yet, poor communication stands as one of the leading causes of workplace stress and inefficiency. In this blog post, we feature 10 best team collaboration tools that can change things for your teams and boost their productivity.

Article by Vishal Narsale
September 25th, 2024
6 min read

Best Enterprise Data Storage Solutions for 2024
Enterprise data storage are designed to handle vast amounts of data generated by organizations. Unlike consumer-grade storage, enterprise-level systems support extensive data access, high availability, reliability, and security. These systems are typically used to store operational data, transactional records, and customer information. In this article, you will learn about different types of data storage, how to choose the right solution for your needs, and the top providers in the market.

Best Tech Conferences and Events 2024. Part 2
In our previous post, we covered the major tech conferences of the first half of 2024. In this post, we have put together the most interesting IT conferences and events happening from July to December this year. For your convenience, we have divided them into several sections, with events appearing in chronological order within each section.

Serokell Recognized as a Leading Machine Learning Company in 2024
Serokell has been named one of the [top 15 machine learning companies in 2024 by Techreviewer.co. This leading analytics platform conducts studies and publishes lists of the best IT companies.

Top 18 Tech Conferences 2024
In this article, we provide an extensive guide to key tech conferences in 2024 across various fields, including AI and machine learning, functional programming, fintech, and more. We have covered events scheduled from January to June 2024, since the dates and programming for the second half of the year are yet to be announced. We promise to follow them and will update you later with another list of must-attend gatherings.

What is Quantum Computing?
Is quantum computing a reality or mere science fiction? How far are we from witnessing their commercial production, if it ever happens? In this blog post, we explore facts, myths, and concerns surrounding the advent of a new technological revolution.
Editor’s pick

The Smart Dev Approach to Startup R&D
Like “smart money”, which is VC money invested by firms and angels that have great expert knowledge and connections, smart dev involves taking into mind the non-code value a consulting firm can bring.
Upstream posts
Serokell Blog: Year 3 in Review
Which were the most popular Serokell blog posts of the last year? What are our plans for the future? Find out the answers by reading our celebratory blog post.
Serokell at Computer Summer School
Computer Summer School is a summer camp where children learn programming and meet new friends. In this article, Serokell developers who help organize the event talk about their teaching experience.
Great Women in Programming
Read about outstanding women programmers, inventors, and computer scientists in our article.
Serokell Blog: Year 2 in Review
Which posts were the most read during the second year of Serokell's blog? Discover awesome articles and read about the future of the blog in our yearly review.
Why Fintech Companies Use Haskell
Why do so many companies choose to use functional programming languages for their fintech products? Find the answer in this article.

How to Grow As a Haskeller: #SerokellChat Wrap-up
Last week, we organized out first-ever #SerokellChat! In case you missed it, here is a short wrap-up of the questions and answers.