Blog: TypeScript

TypeScript: Questions and Answers
Is TypeScript a game-changer in web development? We believe, yes. This statically typed superset of JavaScript is designed to scale up the language, making it more robust and maintainable. While JavaScript is known for its flexibility, TypeScript brings in the added advantage of type safety, reducing the potential for runtime errors.
How to Write TypeScript Like a Haskeller
In this article, we show how to use TypeScript to implement Haskell concepts like algebraic data types, higher-kinded types, tagless final, and more.
Serokell at ICFPC 2021: Rust, TypeScript, and Brain Wall
On July 9-12, three Serokellers took part in ICFPC 2021 as part of team TBD. Read this article to learn how the team solved this year's task.
Hackage Search: Regex-Based Online Code Search
Have you ever wanted to find something on Hackage? If yes, we have a tool for you.

Why You Should Choose TypeScript Over JavaScript
Angular, one of the largest frontend frameworks, is using TypeScript. About 60% of JS programmers already use TypeScript, and 22% wish to try. Why?

Catching Runtime Errors in Compile Time with Typescript
Dive deeper into the beauty of Typescript by reading Domagoj’s post for Serokell.