Blog: Formal Verification

Formal Verification: History and Methods
In the first part of our series about formal verification, we discuss the roots of formal verification in fields such as mathematical logic and theoretical computer science.

Constructive and Non-Constructive Proofs in Agda (Part 3): Playing with Negation
In the previous post, we briefly introduced the reader to dependently typed programming and theorem proving in Agda. Now we present an empty type to work with constructive negation. We discuss Marko…

Constructive and Non-Constructive Proofs in Agda (Part 2): Agda in a Nutshell
Last week, we started a new blog series to introduce you to creating constructive and non-constructive proofs in Agda..

Constructive and Non-Constructive Proofs in Agda (Part 1): Logical Background
Where to start with Agda formal verification? Get familiar with the constructive logic behind it.