Blog: Image generation

Stable Diffusion: Generating Images Out of Thin Air
Stable Diffusion is a free, open-source neural network for generating photorealistic and artistic images based on text-to-image and image-to-image diffusion models. Read our tips to start generating your own masterpieces in minutes.
How Sber Built ruDALL-E: Interview with Sergei Markov
What does it take to build a model with 12 billion parameters? Why is open-source culture important in machine learning research? Find out the answers to these questions in our interview with Sergei Markov, the chief of the SberDevices experimental machine learning systems department.
The Future of Design AI: Interview with Sergey Kulinkovich
Can machines do design? What is the role of a designer in 2021? Learn the answers to these questions by reading our interview with Sergey Kulinkovich, an art director from Art. Lebedev Studio.