Blog: Computer Science

What is Quantum Computing?
Is quantum computing a reality or mere science fiction? How far are we from witnessing their commercial production, if it ever happens? In this blog post, we explore facts, myths, and concerns surrounding the advent of a new technological revolution.

A Brief Look at Untyped Lambda Calculus
Lambda calculus is a theoretic framework used to define the meaning of computation in languages like Haskell, Agda, Idris, and others. In this article, we introduce you to lambda calculus by exploring its untyped variant.
40 Years in Computer Science: Interview with Tatyana Petrushina
Learn about the past and present of computer science and computer science education from Tatyana Petrushina, systems analyst at Provectus.
How to Implement an LR(1) Parser
Learn more about LR parsers and how you can implement your own.
Great Women in Programming
Read about outstanding women programmers, inventors, and computer scientists in our article.

Independent Functions or How to Create the Worst Random Number Generator
Random numbers are used in cryptography, and most of the cryptographic operations use computers. But a computer is a deterministic device, thus, it isn’t able to simply generate a truly random number. There are different approaches to solving the problem, and some of them are worse than others.

The Problem of Intermediate Recursively Enumerable Turing Degrees
The Turing degree of a set of natural numbers is a concept from computer science and mathematical logic that is a measure of the level of algorithmic unsolvability of the set. This post carries you deeper into the problem of the undecidable languages and the halting problem.

The Greatest Challenge of Modeling Large Quantum Computers
Perhaps you cannot quite picture how quantum computers work, but you definitely heard something about them. Nowadays, all rich, as well as not-so-rich states and corporations, are trying to build one. However, many face a problem of inability to emulate a large quantum computer. Let us figure out why.