Blog: Remote Work

Surviving Remote Work: Coronavirus Edition
We share tips for remote workers and businesses to cope with this period of social distancing and obligatory remote work.

How to Survive Working Remotely
Working from home is efficient, convenient, and beneficial for both employers and employees but it has its challenges. Serokell has been remote from the very beginning, and our employees can tell quite a few stories about their experience.

What Remote Workers Do in Their Free Time. Part II
When working remotely, one has to be serious about time management, especially when it comes to spare time. An interesting hobby allows spending it with pleasure. In this post, we keep talking about the hobbies of the Serokell team members.

What Remote Workers Do in Their Free Time. Part I
Serokell team members love to spend their spare time actively and make good use of it. These people are fond of cycling, video gaming, learning foreign languages and assembling hi-end audio amplifiers. In this blog post, we will focus on our hobbies.

Nothing Less than a Revolution: Why Your Company Should Go Remote
Remote work is a revolution in the making.. Not in technologies we use, not in management strategies, but in the entire way we think about the work..