Blog: Parsers

Parsing With Haskell (Part 2): Parsing With Happy
In the second part of our Parsing With Haskell series, we cover Happy – a Haskell parser generator.

Parsing With Haskell (Part 1): Lexing With Alex
In the first part of our Parsing With Haskell series, we introduce you to Alex – a Haskell tool for generating lexers.
Parser Combinators in Haskell
In this article, we will show you how to implement simple parser combinators from scratch and how to use the Megaparsec library to implement a parser for S-expressions.
How to Implement an LR(1) Parser
Learn more about LR parsers and how you can implement your own.
Parser Combinators in Elixir
Learn what parser combinators are, what they are made of, and how to make your own CSV parser using NimbleParsec, a parser combinator library written in Elixir.

Parsing Typed eDSL
Embedded DSL (or eDSL) is a popular technique for encoding your domain-specific language into Haskell’s type system. How do we use it in Tezos developer tools? Read more in this article.