Blog: Dependent Types

Functional Futures: Dependent Types with David Christiansen
In this month’s episode of Functional Futures, our guest is David Christiansen – the Executive Director of the Haskell Foundation and the co-author of The Little Typer, a book on dependent types.
How Dependent Haskell Can Improve Industry Projects
In this post, we talk about Dependent Haskell and show how it could be used to simplify and improve the code in a large production codebase.

Dimensions and Haskell: Singletons in Action
How to reduce the debugging time and make programs less error-prone while working with matrices in Haskell? There can be several solutions. This article presents a way of lifting the dimensions to the type level.

Dimensions and Haskell: Introduction
A review of matrix and numerical libraries in order to understand which array libraries are useful for machine learning in Haskell and which approaches to type-level natural numbers might be applied to safe matrix dimensions.

Why Dependent Haskell is the Future of Software Development
Are dependent types the future of software development? Read more about our work on Dependent Haskell in this blog post.