If you read articles that describe some advanced type-level stuff in Haskell or other languages with a similar type system, chances are that you have come across this thing called ‘type witness’ or ‘runtime evidence’. In this post, we will be trying to gain an understanding of what the heck it is.
In simple terms, a runtime witness is a value that in some way holds some type-level information associated with a polymorphic value and makes it available to the type checking process.
But this is confusing because type checking happens at compile time and values are often available only at runtime. So how can values provide type information at compile time?
It is possible because even though values are only available at runtime, if there is a branch in the code (if-then-else, case statements) that branches on a value, we can make assumptions about that value inside each of the branches.
So, for example, if there is a branch in code like:
if (i == 1) then { -- block 1 -- } else { -- block 2 -- }
we can safely assume that if we find ourselves in block 1, then i
will be 1
inside that block and if we find ourselves in block 2, then i
was not 1.
Thus, at compile time, we will have some information about a value in conditional branches of the code that branches on the said value. The core idea of the type witness technique is to use this information to make the compiler infer the attributes of a polymorphic type, such as what the inferred type is, how it is constrained, etc.
For this, we first need a way to link a value to some type-level
detail. In Haskell, we have the GADTs
extension that enables us to define a
data type of the form
data MyData a where
MyValue1 :: MyData Int
MyValue2 :: MyData String
MyValue3 :: MyData Char
The powerful thing about this kind of data definitions is that it enables us to explicitly mark the constructors to be of a certain concrete type.
And thus, we have declared values MyValue1
, MyValue2
, and MyValue3
to have
types MyData Int
, MyData String
, and MyData Char
Therefore, these values can now point to what the type a
in MyData a
Now, let us see how this type can act as a “witness”.
Consider the following function. You can see that by branching on the
MyData a
value, we are able to figure out what a
func1 :: MyData a -> a
func1 myData =
case myData of
MyValue1 -> 10 -- `a` is Int here
MyValue2 -> "I am a string" -- `a` is String here
MyValue3 -> 'c' -- `a` is Char here
But how is the name “witness” justified? What is it witnessing?
Imagine that this function is part of an expression, say
(10 :: Int) + (func1 MyValue1)
The MyValue1
constructor, by being a part of the call site, is witnessing a piece of information that is only available there, that is, the type required at the call site is actually Int
Hence the name “type witness”. We can have witnesses that witness other
things, like a
is the same type as b
, or a
has been constrained in a certain
way, etc.
We saw that the values of MyData a
can point to what a
is. In addition,
since each polymorphic variant of MyData a
contains one and only one value,
the concrete types of MyData a
can also point to value, because there is only
one possible value for any given variant. Such types where there is a one-to-one
correspondence between values and types are called Singletons.
So how is this useful / Why should I care?
Static type systems can feel very restrictive at the beginning, but, if they are sufficiently advanced, you will find that you can get some of that flexibility of dynamically typed languages back while retaining the safety of static typing.
Let’s see an example where this is manifested, which also involves the use of a type witness.
Imagine you are building an application that has got users with different privileges. We represent the possible privilege using a type,
data UserPrivilege = Member | Admin | Guest
and the users can now be represented by something like,
data User = User { userId :: Integer, userName :: String, userPrivilege :: UserPrivilege }
Since we are interested in type safety, we want to make the userPrivilege
attribute to be
at the type level, so that if we pass a user of privilege Member
to a function that
requires a user with privilege Admin
, the compiler will catch it at compile time.
To do this, we add a type argument to the User
type. We also enable the DataKinds
extension so that the constructors of UserPrivilege
will be available at the type level
to tag the User
type with. So, we end up with something like,
data User (ut :: UserPrivilege) = User { userId :: Integer, userName :: String }
Now, we have the user privilege at the type level, and this will prevent us from passing
User 'Member
to a function that requires User 'Admin
But we find it is now impossible to write a function that reads a user from the database without explicitly specifying which privilege the user has. So for example, we try to implement this function with the following type.
fetchUserById :: Int -> IO (User a)
But this is not possible because if you read the user from the database and
find the user to be of type ‘member’, you won’t be able to return the concrete
type User 'Member
from the function, because the signature says that it
should be able to return User a
for all a
The idea of a polymorphic value User a
is that it should be able to concretize into
any type, as required by the expression where the polymorphic value is used.
So here, in the fetchUserById
function, if we find the user read from the database to
have a privilege of Admin
, we can return the concrete value only after checking that
the caller of this function is indeed asking for User 'Admin
. We have seen how it can
be done in the func1
function we saw earlier. But here, we won’t be able to use something
like that, simply because we wouldn’t know the privilege of the user when we make
the fetchUserById
One solution to this problem is to wrap the user
type in another type, which will have
multiple constructors, each wrapping a different type of user, thus hiding the type-level
privilege behind them.
data UserWrapper
= MemberUser (User 'Member)
| AdminUser (User 'Admin)
| GuestUser (User 'Guest)
A problem with this approach is that you will have to match on all these constructors
every time you read a user
from db to do anything with it, even when you don’t care about the
privilege of the user.
Another way to hide the type-level privilege is by using a GADT
wrapper type that hides the type-level
privilege behind a GADT constructor.
data SomeUser where
SomeUser :: forall a. User a -> SomeUser
Since the SomeUser
type constructor does not have the type parameter, we can
wrap it around a User a
of any privilege and return from our database read
But now, we will find that the User a
that is unwrapped from the SomeUser
type can only be
used with functions that accept a polymorphic user, that is, User a
, and cannot be used with
a function that requires concrete types, such as User 'Admin
This is exactly what we wanted in the first place. We are prevented from
passing a user of unknown privilege to a function that requires an administrator
privilege. But it seems that now we cannot make that call at all. How can we
convince the type checker that the User a
unwrapped from SomeUser
is in fact
User 'Admin
We can do that by using a type witness. We add the following type to act as a witness.
data WitnessPrivilege up where
WitnessMember :: WitnessPrivilege Member
WitnessGuest :: WitnessPrivilege Guest
WitnessAdmin :: WitnessPrivilege Admin
Then we change the User
type to include this witness as one of its fields.
data User (up :: UserPrivilege) = User
{ userId :: Integer
, userName :: String
, userPrivilege :: WitnessPrivilege up
And that is it. When you want to convert a User a
unwrapped from SomeUser
to a concrete type, like User 'Admin
, you only have to pattern match on
the userPrivilege
field. As soon as you get a match on the WitnessAdmin
branch, GHC will have inferred the User a
to be an User 'Admin
, and allow you to
call functions that require User 'Admin
Thanks to the included type witness, we get the best of both worlds; a type-level user privilege which gets out of the way when you don’t need it, but can pop up anytime you need it.
Full code sample
{-# Language GADTs #-}
{-# Language DataKinds #-}
{-# Language KindSignatures #-}
{-# Language ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Data.List
-- User privileges for our users
data UserPrivilege = Member | Admin | Guest
-- Our type witness
data WitnessPrivilege up where
WitnessMember :: WitnessPrivilege Member
WitnessGuest :: WitnessPrivilege Guest
WitnessAdmin :: WitnessPrivilege Admin
-- Our user type
data User (up :: UserPrivilege) = User
{ userId :: Integer
, userName :: String
, userPrivilege :: WitnessPrivilege up
-- The type that we use to hide the privilege type variable
data SomeUser where
SomeUser :: User a -> SomeUser
-- A function that accept a user id (Integer), and reads
-- the corresponding user from the database. Note that the return
-- type level privilege is hidden in the return value `SomeUser`.
readUser :: Integer -> IO SomeUser
readUser userId = pure $ case find ((== userId) . (\(a, _, _) -> a)) dbRows of
Just (id_, name_, type_) ->
case type_ of
"member" -> SomeUser (User id_ name_ WitnessMember)
"guest" -> SomeUser (User id_ name_ WitnessGuest)
"admin" -> SomeUser (User id_ name_ WitnessAdmin)
Nothing -> error "User not found"
-- This is a function that does not care
-- about user privilege
getUserName :: User up -> String
getUserName = userName
-- This is a function only allows user
-- with Admin privilege.
deleteStuffAsAdmin :: User 'Admin -> IO ()
deleteStuffAsAdmin _ = pure ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
(SomeUser user) <- readUser 12
putStrLn $ getUserName user -- We don't care about user privilege here
case userPrivilege user of -- But here we do.
-- So we bring the type-level user privilege in scope by matching
-- on `userPrivilege` field and then GHC knows that `user`
-- is actually `User 'Admin`, and so we can call `deleteStuffAsAdmin`
-- with `user`.
WitnessAdmin ->
deleteStuffAsAdmin user
_ -> error "Need admin user"
dbRows :: [(Integer, String, String)]
dbRows =
[ (10, "John", "member")
, (11, "alice", "guest")
, (12, "bob", "admin")
Recommended further reading
- Introduction to Singletons series
- Dependently typed programming with singletons
- Dimensions and Haskell: Singletons in Action
- Why Dependent Haskell is the Future of Software Development
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