7 Reasons to Outsource Software Development

Have you encountered the challenge of software development? Almost every business sooner or later faces the choice of how to get the right technological product. Problems become more and more complex: competition grows, the technologies become more advanced, and the hardware — more and more powerful. All these words about the Internet of things, face recognition, voice recognition — sometimes they cause only irritation because of the seemingly monopolistic distribution of the market. Can smaller companies compete with giants of the market in terms of recruiting the best specialists who can develop truly cutting-edge software? Well, probably, the answer is ‘no’, but there’re ways to solve the problem with another approach.

Difficulties of smaller companies

In the era of digitalisation of all areas, the manufacturability of the product becomes the main driver of business growth. Giants of the world market, such as Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, evolve rapidly. If your company is not so huge, to keep the pace might be tricky. Here’re just several reasons why:

  • The high cost of developing and supporting complex products Each development company sooner or later faces the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of departments and employees. The reasons might vary from wrong management of expectations to spending the staff time on unnecessary things.

  • Multiculturalism Technological giants attract specialists from all over the world, thus broadening the view on approaches to product creation. The process of relocating and onboarding new team members is fairly expensive.

  • Stress management Employers try to create an environment and working conditions that seem to be ideal from their point of view. However, when new team members start to work in the company, they need some time to get used to the new situation, including a workflow, control and corporate ethics. The adaptation is stressful, and one cannot just pretend it doesn’t exist. And at the same time, this period is costly for a company, as an employee is usually less efficient during it.

From these three points, it’s already possible to conclude that attracting employees from other countries and cities can be difficult, expensive and even unprofitable. And indeed it is. At the same time, an option of recruiting your own team of remote programmers, as a rule, disappears when assessing risks: it is almost impossible to control a remote team without the specific experience of such work and staff selection.

Why outsourcing is a great solution

There exists a solution, of course: you can use the services of remote software development. In addition to obvious things, such as reducing the associated costs, outsourcing provides other considerable advantages:

1. You only pay for the result Fully transparent software development process with per-minute control of elapsed time.

2. You hire subject matter experts We’ve already mentioned the world leaders of the IT market, who find their employees in the best educational institutions and invest in their academical and professional development. The software development outsourcing service will find the right people in the right places, invest in them and ‘grow’ the staff for you, and you will get all the benefits without a headache.

3. The product will be exactly as you expect Management expectations are the cornerstone of software development. Unclearly described technical specifications, undescribed functions or outdated protocols may prevent you from creating the perfect software. Remote work solves these issues: to remain in the market, companies that provide services for software development outsourcing, must follow or even create trends.

4. Save on infrastructure The outsourcing partner becomes responsible for all the development processes and the related infrastructure. Hence, with outsourcing one doesn’t need to invest in infrastructure.

5. Risk management Some processes may be challenging to manage and control. By delegating this responsibility to an external company, you improve flexibility and efficiency as well as lower all kind of software production risks.

6. Process transparency Remote work requires more control over the activities of the employees, and only the transparency of processes allows it to be achieved.

7. Сode reusability When hiring professionals, you can always be sure that all the program code will be well described and all features will be explained.

Your expectations, lifted

Software development itself is a complex and time-consuming process. The latest achievements of computer science, such as the Internet of things, the blockchain, artificial intelligence, are becoming a part of everyday life as well as an essential part of businesses. It is simply impossible to develop without new approaches and technological solutions.

At Serokell, we compete with market giants in hiring graduates of the best technical universities from West and East Europe. We sponsor science competitions and exhibitions, conduct non-commercial researches in various branches of computer science. We do it for the professional growth of our employees who may become yours tomorrow.

Contact us, and we will tell you more.

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