Serokell at TQuorum NY 2019

At the end of September, we participated in the main Tezos event of the year: TQuorum Global Summit New York.

TQuorum Global Summit is a gathering for investors, blockchain developers, leaders and visionaries that are interested in Tezos.

TQuorum Global Summit NY

Blockchain for innovators

Tezos is a blockchain platform that is host to both assets and smart-contracts.

One of the main features of the platform is its formal upgrade mechanism, where participants can take part in upgrading the blockchain. (You can explore the details of voting process on Agora)

This enables the blockchain to implement new innovations through a formal process that eschews hard forks and other disruptive actions.

Is Haskell the future of Tezos?

Our main focus at Tezos right now is on Morley, a set of developer tools for writing smart contracts, and its accompanying set of Haskell eDSLs – Indigo and Lorentz.

Work at these projects gave us a lot of insight on how Haskell can help Tezos, and we wanted to share our findings with the wider community. Fortunately, TQuorum Global Summit was a great opportunity for that.

At the conference, Serokell’s COO Fedor Fedorov presented a vision of future of Tezos that integrates OCaml and Haskell.

Fedor presenting about the future of Tezos

You can watch the entire speech on the TQ Tezos YouTube channel.

Smart contracts, SNARKs, and blockchain sharks

But our presentation wasn’t the only spotlight of the event. Whatever your interests, TQ Global Summit had you covered (as long as you were interested in Tezos and blockchain).

The topics of the conference ranged from highly technical presentations focused on latest Tezos apps like Checker and subjects like zero-knowledge proofs to more abstract discussions about blockchain and future of proof-of-stake protocols.

We got to experience everything, and, hopefully, take home at least a part of it. For more info on participants and their presentations, you can check out the event recap created by TQ Tezos.

Banner that links to Serokell Shop. You can buy hip FP T-shirts there!
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