Feedspot Includes Serokell's Functional Futures in Top 10 Functional Programming Podcasts

We’re delighted to announce that our podcast, Functional Futures, has earned recognition from Feedspot, making it to their list of the 10 Best Functional Programming Podcasts.

Functional Futures is a podcast where our passion for FP meets real-world applications and innovation. Through our interviews, we bring to our listeners the voices that are shaping the present and future of functional programming. Whether it’s the intricacies of functional programming languages, the complexities of compiler development, or the nuances of type theory, we got you covered.

Feedspot employs various methods, from an in-house research team surfing the internet to proprietary media monitoring tools, to find and curate the best podcasts in several niche categories. An expert editorial team then reviews every podcast. The platform’s lists aim to provide listeners with credible, relevant, and constantly updated information. It prioritizes podcasts that bring authoritative and genuine insights and looks at how the podcast resonates and interacts with its audience.

We are happy that Feedspot has recognized our functional programming expertise and our ability to create valuable and engaging content.

We’d like to thank our listeners for their support and curiosity. We will continue bringing you the most interesting discussions, debates, and stories from the world of functional programming.

For those new to Functional Futures, we invite you to check out our episodes.

You can also subscribe to Serokell’s YouTube channel, where we share our DevOps practices for effective development and maintenance.

If you want to stay updated on the latest publication in our blog, follow us on Twitter.

Thank you for being part of our community!

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