Learn About GHC Core at Haskell Love Conference

Our software engineer and GHC developer Vladislav Zavialov will be participating in Haskell Love Conference, one of the biggest Haskell online events in the world.

He will present a talk named “Haskell to Core: Understanding Haskell Features Through Their Desugaring”. In it, he will talk about GHC Core, with the goal of getting you acquainted with this small, elegant language into which every Haskell program is desugared during compilation. More details about the talk you can find on the organizer’s website.

If you want to learn how the menagerie of Haskell features can be expressed using the few constructs of Core, register now – it’s completely free.

Haskell Love Conference will also feature other amazing speakers: it has Philip Wadler and Simon Peyton Jones as keynote speakers, and multiple other speakers like Gabriel Gonzalez, Bartosz Milewski, and Richard Eisenberg.

To learn more about the event, you can visit its website.

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