Watch Programming Lectures from Serokell Academy

Searching for new FP content to watch? We’ve just launched our new page for Serokell Academy.

Serokell Academy is an initiative where we host regular talks and lectures by industry experts about software development, machine learning, cybersecurity, and multiple other areas.

Serokell Academy

Our main goal is to help developers expand their skill sets and distribute knowledge about non-mainstream topics like functional programming.

Right now, all past Serokell Academy lectures are available on our Academy page. If you wish to watch, listen live, or participate as a speaker, we recommend checking it out.

Our next talk will be about detecting fake news with machine learning. If that is a topic you’re interested in, you can read more and add it to your calendar here.

Banner that links to Serokell Shop. You can buy cool FP T-shirts there!
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