Website Deployment for Runtime Verification

In this blog post, we will provide insights into the website deployment workflow developed during our collaboration with Runtime Verification.

Our collaboration focused on creating nix-based deployment workflow for small websites associated with Runtime Verification projects, including:

  • Kontrol: developer tooling for formal verification of smart contracts written in solodity.
  • ERCx: developer tooling for ERC token testing.
  • Firefly: developer tooling for Ethereum smart contract testing.

We will walk through a simple example that showcases all the key features of this deployment workflow:

  • Deployment of master and develop branches using deploy-rs.
  • Secure deployment of secrets using deploy-rs and sops-nix.
  • Deployment of separate website instances on each open pull request to simplify the review process.

Nixify website

To begin, we must create nix expressions so that we can build our website using nix. Because different websites use different technologies, these expressions can differ significantly. In this blog post, we will look at deployment of a website created using the following command:

yarn create next-app --example hello-world hello-world-app

To package our website, we need to create a flake.nix file in root of our repository with the following content:

Click to expand flake.nix
  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-22.11";
    nix-npm.url = "github:serokell/nix-npm-buildpackage";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nix-npm, ... }@inputs:
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      pkgs = import nixpkgs {
        inherit system;
        overlays = [
          (self: super: { nodejs = super.nodejs-18_x; })

      hello-world-app-package = pkgs.buildYarnPackage {
        name = "hello-world-app-package";
        src = builtins.path { name = "hello-world-app"; path = ./hello-world-app; };
        yarnBuild = ''
          yarn install
          yarn build
        postInstall = ''
          mv ./.next $out/

      hello-world-app = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
        name = "hello-world-app";
        text = ''
          ${hello-world-app-package}/bin/yarn start -p "$PORT" ${hello-world-app-package}
    in {
      packages.x86_64-linux = { inherit hello-world-app; };

We use nix-npm-buildpackage to build our website. First, we introduce the buildYarnPackage function into nixpkgs by applying an overlay from nix-npm-buildpackage. Additionally, we overlay the nodejs package to specify a particular version:

pkgs = import nixpkgs {
  inherit system;
    overlays = [
      (self: super: { nodejs = super.nodejs-18_x; })

More information about overlays can be found at NixOS wiki.

Next, we utilize buildYarnPackage to download the website dependencies with nix and build the package:

hello-world-app-package = pkgs.buildYarnPackage {
  name = "hello-world-app-package";
  src = builtins.path { name = "hello-world-app"; path = ./hello-world-app; };
  yarnBuild = ''
    yarn install
    yarn build
  postInstall = ''
    mv ./.next $out/

Afterward, we can define the website’s executable using hello-world-app-package. To achieve this, we simply utilize the yarn executable provided by hello-world-app-package to start the server with the start command defined in package.json:

hello-world-app = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
  name = "hello-world-app";
  text = ''
    ${hello-world-app-package}/bin/yarn start -p "$PORT" ${hello-world-app-package}

The hello-world-app is available as packages flake output, in order to build it run:

nix build .#hello-world-app

We can also use hello-world-app-package to define checks for our project, such as the prettier check:

mkYarnCheck = name: command:
  pkgs.runCommand "hello-world-app-${name}" {} ''
    ${hello-world-app-package}/bin/yarn run ${command}
    touch $out

prettier-check = mkYarnCheck "prettier" "prettier --check \"pages/**/*.tsx\"";

In mkYarnCheck function, we once again use yarn to execute the prettier check within the nix build. Note that since the check doesn’t produce any output, we create a blank output using touch $out.

If you want to learn more about flakes, check out our blogpost about flakes and related NixOS wiki page.

NixOS module

Once we have a nix package for our website, next step would be providing nixos module that would define configuration options and systemd service for our website:

Click to expand module.nix
{ self, ... }@ inputs:
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
  inherit (lib) mkEnableOption mkOption mkIf types mkMerge;
  cfg =;
{ = {
    enable = lib.mkEnableOption "hello-world-app";
    package = mkOption {
      type = types.path;
      default = self.packages.x86_64-linux.hello-world-app;
      description = ''
        Path to the package
    port = mkOption {
      type = types.port;
      default = 3000;
      description = ''
        Port of the site
    secretsFile = mkOption {
      type = types.path;
      description = ''
        Path to the secrets file on the deployment server
  config = mkIf cfg.enable { = {
      after = [ "" ];
      wantedBy = [ "" ];
      unitConfig.ConditionPathExists = [
      serviceConfig.EnvironmentFile = cfg.secretsFile;
      environment = {
        PORT = toString cfg.port;
      script = ''

In the options section, we define settings for our website. In this example, we have:

  • enable: This option enables our systemd service.
  • package: It allows us to override the website package.
  • port: We can specify the port for our website.
  • secretsFile: This option specifies the path to the environment file with secrets located on the server.

Please note that we don’t include secrets directly as options, instead, we provide the path to the environment file. This is because all nix expressions end up stored /nix/store, which is world-readable. We will cover secrets deployment later in this blog post.

In the config section, we specify the systemd service, which is added to the NixOS configuration if the enable option is set to true: = {
  after = [ "" ];
  wantedBy = [ "" ];
  unitConfig.ConditionPathExists = [
  serviceConfig.EnvironmentFile = cfg.secretsFile;
  environment = {
    PORT = toString cfg.port;
  script = ''

We pass all non-secret environment variables via the environment attribute and secrets via serviceConfig.EnvironmentFile. We then start our website by executing it in the script attribute. We also specify ConditionPathExists to check whether our secrets file and executable exist before running the script.

To learn more about NixOS modules visit NixOS wiki.

When our module is ready, we should add it to the nixosModules output of our flake like this:

nixosModules = { default = import ./module.nix inputs; };

You can also create a virtual machine using your freshly crafted module for local testing. This proves advantageous, particularly when your module contains multiple systemd units. For instance, you might have systemd units for frontend, backend, and one-shot service handling database migrations.

To create virtual machine we need to add extra output to our flake:

nixosConfigurations.hello-world-app = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
  system = "x86_64-linux";
  modules = [ ({ config, pkgs, ... }: {
    virtualisation.vmVariant.virtualisation = {
      graphics = false;
      memorySize = 2048;
      diskSize = 4096;
      cores = 2;
    networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 3000 ];

    imports = [ self.nixosModules.default ];

    services.hello-world-app = {
      enable = true;
      port = 3000;
      secretsFile = "/etc/secrets.env";

    users.users.root.password = "";

    environment.etc."secrets.env".text = ''

Here is a breakdown of the configuration:

  • virtualisation.vmVariant.virtualisation settings define the virtual machine’s parameters such as memory, disk size, and number of CPU cores.
  • networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts specifies the ports (3000 in this case) to forward for accessing our website.
  • imports attribute imports your previously defined module.
  • services.hello-world-app configures your module.
  • users.users.root.password sets the root user password to an empty string, allowing login without a password.
  • environment.etc."secrets.env".text creates a secrets file with some default values for local development.

To build and run the virtual machine, follow these commands:

# Build the VM
nix build
# Run the VM, forwarding port 3000
sudo QEMU_NET_OPTS='hostfwd=tcp::3000-:3000' result/bin/run-nixos-vm

After executing these commands, your website should be accessible in a web browser at http://localhost:3000/. You can also log in to the VM as root with no password.

Deployment of master and develop branches

Now that we have a module for our website, we can begin the deployment process. We will deploy our website service as nix profile under a non-priveleged user. To accomplish this, we are going to use deploy-rs, a nix flake deployment tool designed to deploy nix profiles. We have blog post about deploy-rs.

Server configuration

For website deployment we will need a server, we are going to use NixOS server hosted on AWS. Please note that it is not necessary to use NixOS on the server; just nix will be enough to deploy the profile using deploy-rs.

The server configuration looks like this:

Click to expand hello-world-server.nix
{ modulesPath, pkgs, ... }: {
  imports = [ "${modulesPath}/virtualisation/amazon-image.nix" ];
  ec2.hvm = true;

  users = {
    users = {
      root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "<PUBLIC_SSH_KEY_FOR_ROOT>" ];
      hello-world = {
        group = "hello-world";
        home = "/home/hello-world";
        createHome = true;
        isNormalUser = true;
        useDefaultShell = true;
        extraGroups = [ "systemd-journal" ];
        openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "<PUBLIC_SSH_KEY_FOR_DEPLOYMENT>" ];
    groups.hello-world = {};

  nix.settings.trusted-users = [ "hello-world" ];

  # Enable lingering for hello-world user
  systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
    "f /var/lib/systemd/linger/hello-world 644 root root"

  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];

  services.nginx = let
    mkStaticHost = {port, extraConfig}: pkgs.lib.recursiveUpdate {
      forceSSL = true;
      locations = {
        "/".proxyPass = "${toString port}";
    } extraConfig;
  in {
    enable = true;
    virtualHosts."" = mkStaticHost {
      port = 3000;
      extraConfig.enableACME = true;
    virtualHosts."" = mkStaticHost {
      port = 3001;
      extraConfig.enableACME = true;
  security.acme = { = "";
    acceptTerms = true;

  nix.gc = {
    automatic = true;
    dates = "daily";
    options = "--delete-older-than 1d";

  system.stateVersion = "23.05";

Server configuration will also be deployed with deploy-rs. First, we need to set public SSH key for the root or any other priveleged user so that we can deploy server configuration with deploy-rs:

root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "<PUBLIC_SSH_KEY_FOR_ROOT>" ];

We also need a non-previledged user under which we will deploy and run our services:

hello-world = {
  group = "hello-world";
  home = "/home/hello-world";
  createHome = true;
  isNormalUser = true;
  useDefaultShell = true;
  extraGroups = [ "systemd-journal" ];
  openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "<PUBLIC_SSH_KEY_FOR_DEPLOYMENT>" ];

It is important to set isNormalUser to true and add user to the systemd-journal group so that we can check logs with journalctl. Additionally, we need to add public SSH key that will be used for website deployment from CI.

We should also add our deployment user to nix trusted-users so that we can copy to nix store:

nix.settings.trusted-users = [ "hello-world" ];

Since our systemd services will be deployed as user-level services, they will not start automatically on startup unless we enable lingering for our user. To do this, we need to create a file /var/lib/systemd/linger/<user_name>:

systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
  "f /var/lib/systemd/linger/hello-world 644 root root"

Finally, we need to setup nginx, TLS certificate generation and open HTTP and HTTPS ports:

services.nginx = let
  mkHost = {port, extraConfig}: pkgs.lib.recursiveUpdate {
    forceSSL = true;
    locations = {
      "/".proxyPass = "${toString port}";
  } extraConfig;
  in {
    enable = true;
    virtualHosts."" = mkHost {
      port = 3000;
      extraConfig.enableACME = true;
    virtualHosts."" = mkHost {
      port = 3001;
      extraConfig.enableACME = true;
security.acme = { = "";
  acceptTerms = true;
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];

The nginx configuration passes all requests to to a service running on port 3000 (the website deployed from the master branch) and similarly for and 3001 (deployed from the develop branch).

We also need to set up automatic garbage collection for our server. This setup triggers daily garbage collection, deleting items older than one day:

nix.gc = {
  automatic = true;
  dates = "daily";
  options = "--delete-older-than 1d";

Now, we need to create flake.nix with deploy output:

  inputs = {
    deploy-rs.url = "github:serokell/deploy-rs";
    nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-22.11";

  outputs = {self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, deploy-rs, ...}@inputs:
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
    in {
      nixosConfigurations.hello-world-server = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
        inherit system;
        modules = [
      deploy = {
        magicRollback = true;
        autoRollback = true;
        nodes.hello-world-server = {
          hostname = "";
          profiles.system = {
            user = "root";
            path = deploy-rs.lib.${system}.activate.nixos self.nixosConfigurations.hello-world-server;

      checks = deploy-rs.lib.${system}.deployChecks self.deploy;

      devShells.x86_64-linux.default = pkgs.mkShell {
        buildInputs = [

We define nixosConfigurations.hello-world-server output by specifying previously defined server configuration in the modules attribute.

In deploy output, we need to define a node named hello-world-server. Node can have multiple profiles, but in our case, we only deploy the profile system. Activation script for the system profile is generated with deploy-rs.lib.${system}.activate.nixos from the previously defined server configuration.

Additionally, we include deploy-rs.packages.${system}.deploy-rs in devShell. And now we can deploy our server configuration with:

nix develop -c deploy .#hello-world-server

We can use the --ssh-user <user_name> option to override the user used for connecting to our server via SSH, or customize SSH options with --ssh-opts. Alternatively, these settings can also be configured within node or profile configurations of deploy output. For more detailed information on configuring deploy-rs, please refer the file in the deploy-rs GitHub repository.

In addition, deploy-rs provides checks that allow you to verify the success of your profile build before initiating the deployment. These checks can be generated using deploy-rs.lib.${system}.deployChecks by providing the deploy output as argument.

Website deployment

With our server prepared for the deployment, we can now proceed with website deployment. To achieve this, we will create a file named services.nix where we will use a previously defined NixOS module to build deployment profile:

Click to expand services.nix
{ nixpkgs, pkgs, modules, inputs, ... }:
  port ? 3000,
  branch ? "master",
  secretsFolder ? ./secrets,
  secretsPath ? "/home/hello-world-app/.config/hello-world-app/environment",
  sopsKey ? "/home/hello-world-app/.config/hello-world-app/keys.txt",
}: let
  inherit (pkgs.lib) concatStringsSep;

  serviceSuffix = "-${branch}";
  secrets = "${secretsFolder}/secrets${serviceSuffix}.env";

  secretsPathWithSuffix = "${secretsPath}${serviceSuffix}";

  nixosSystem = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
    system = "x86_64-linux";
    modules = modules ++ [{
      services.hello-world-app = {
        enable = true;
        secretsFile = secretsPathWithSuffix;
        inherit port;
      }; = ''
        while ! ( systemctl is-active > /dev/null ); do sleep 1; done
      ''; = {
        after = [ "sops-nix${serviceSuffix}.service" ];
        bindsTo = [ "sops-nix${serviceSuffix}.service" ];

  homeConfiguration = inputs.home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
    inherit pkgs;
    modules = [
        home = {
          username = "hello-world";
          homeDirectory = "/home/hello-world";
          stateVersion = "22.11";
        sops = {
          defaultSopsFile = secrets;
          age.keyFile = sopsKey;
          defaultSopsFormat = "dotenv";
          defaultSymlinkPath = "%r/.secrets${serviceSuffix}";
          defaultSecretsMountPoint = "%r/.secrets${serviceSuffix}.d";
          secrets.hello-world-app-secrets.path = secretsPathWithSuffix;

  serviceNames = [ "hello-world-app" "sops-nix" ];

  mkService = name: if name == "sops-nix" then sopsService
    else pkgs.writeText "${name}.service" nixosSystem.config.systemd.units."${name}.service".text;

  sopsExecStart =;
  sopsService = pkgs.writeText "$sops-nix.service" ''


  copyServices = concatStringsSep "\n" (map (name: let serviceName = name + serviceSuffix; in ''
    rm -f -- "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/${serviceName}.service" "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/${serviceName}.service"
    ln -s ${mkService name} "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/${serviceName}.service"
    ln -s "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/${serviceName}.service" "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/"
  '') serviceNames);

  activate = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "activate" ''
    set -euo pipefail
    export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/$UID"
    mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/"
    systemctl --user daemon-reload
    systemctl --user restart ${concatStringsSep " " serviceNames}

    # Check if services started
    while [[ "$retry_count" -lt 5 ]]; do
      set +e
      ${isActive} > /dev/null && exit 0
      set -e
      sleep 5
    # if services didn't start exit with failure
    exit 1
  isActive = concatStringsSep " > /dev/null && " (map (name: "systemctl --user is-active ${name}") serviceNames);

in pkgs.buildEnv {
  name = "hello-world-app-service";
  paths = [ activate ];

Here we define nixosSystem with our website systemd service. Unfortunately, user-level systemd services can’t access so after = [ "" ] defined in our module does not have any effect when service is deployed as user-level service. To address this issue, we add preStart script to our configuration: = ''
  while ! ( systemctl is-active > /dev/null ); do sleep 1; done

This script ensures that our service won’t start until is active. This can be particularly useful when your services require a network connection, for instance, if they need to apply migrations to a remote database.

We also need to deploy website secrets, we have chosen to use sops-nix for this purpose. Unfortunately, the NixOS module provided in sops-nix requires root privileges to work and it is kind of hard to override this behavior. However, there is a Home Manager module that doesn’t require root privileges, so we can use it to deploy secrets under the hello-world user.

Similar to our nixosSystem with the website service we define homeConfiguration with sops-nix service:

sops = {
  defaultSopsFile = secrets;
  age.keyFile = sopsKey;
  defaultSopsFormat = "dotenv";
  defaultSymlinkPath = "%r/.secrets${serviceSuffix}";
  defaultSecretsMountPoint = "%r/.secrets${serviceSuffix}.d";
  secrets.hello-world-app-secrets.path = secretsPathWithSuffix;

Here, defaultSopsFile is pointing to one of sops-encrypted env files, such as secrets-master or secrets-develop for the master and develop branches, respectively. It’s mandatory to set defaultSymlinkPath and defaultSecretsMountPoint to some unique folders for each profile to avoid overwriting symlinks to this folder on each deployment.

To create these encrypted files first we need to create a .sops.yaml:

  - &server age1fe4fk5wrfz952jzklu9fpmx2mq378t8hz0n47z6xrkmnjvyqtaqqg8y3dp
  - &ops AEF0 79C6 7618 8929 4124  22DB 3AB4 2DF3 F50E 3420
  - path_regex: secrets/secrets-(master|develop).env$
    - pgp:
      - *ops
      - *server

In the keys field, we define encryption keys that will be used to encrypt our secrets:

  • server: This is the public part of age key used by the server.
  • ops: This is GPG key used by someone responsible for managing secrets.

in creation_rules, we specify that we want to use our keys for encrypting all sops files that match the path_regex.

To create sops files, we use the sops CLI utility:

sops ./secrets/secrets-master.env

This will open $EDITOR with temporary file that will be encrypted when you close your editor. Here, we put all the secrets that will be used in our website service. For more information on how sops works, you can refer to the documentation.

Additionally, in our sops configuration, we have age.keyFile which is the path to the private age key, which should be present on server. This key will be used to decrypt sops file. We also specify secrets.hello-world-app-secrets.path, which points to path on the server where secrets will be stored after decryption.

To ensure that our service starts only after the secrets decryption process is finished, we include the sops-nix service in the after and bindsTo sections of website systemd unit configuration: = {
  after = [ "sops-nix${serviceSuffix}.service" ];
  bindsTo = [ "sops-nix${serviceSuffix}.service" ];

This configuration achieves two objectives:

  • The after section makes our website service wait until the sops-nix service finishes secrets decryption.
  • The bindsTo section ensures that our website service will fail if the secrets deployment carried out by sops-nix service fails.

Now that we have services for website and secrets deployment, our next step is to extract them from the nixosSystem and homeConfiguration. This extraction is performed in the mkService function:

mkService = name: if name == "sops-nix" then sopsService
    else pkgs.writeText "${name}.service" nixosSystem.config.systemd.units."${name}.service".text;

For the services defined in nixosConfiguration, we extract systemd service config as text. Due to the different structure in Home Manager’s systemd service representation, for sops-nix we extract execStart script and define the service configuration:

sopsExecStart =;
sopsService = pkgs.writeText "$sops-nix.service" ''


The extracted services are used in the copyServices:

copyServices = concatStringsSep "\n" (map (name: let serviceName = name + serviceSuffix; in ''
  rm -f -- "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/${serviceName}.service" "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/${serviceName}.service"
  ln -s ${mkService name} "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/${serviceName}.service"
  ln -s "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/${serviceName}.service" "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/"
'') serviceNames);

For each service in serviceNames, we first try to remove any existing configurations. Then, we create symlinks to our new service configurations in the systemd user services configuration folder, as well as in, ensuring our services start after user login or system start if lingering is enabled.

Finally, we can define our profile activation script:

activate = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "activate" ''
  set -euo pipefail
  export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/$UID"
  mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/"
  systemctl --user daemon-reload
  systemctl --user restart ${concatStringsSep " " serviceNames}

  # Check if services started
  while [[ "$retry_count" -lt 5 ]]; do
    set +e
    ${isActive} > /dev/null && exit 0
    set -e
    sleep 5
  # if services didn't start exit with failure
  exit 1
isActive = concatStringsSep " > /dev/null && " (map (name: "systemctl --user is-active ${name}") serviceNames);

In this script, we begin by exporting XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, which is required for systemctl to function correctly. We create directories for our systemd service configurations if they are not present and copy our services. After copying services, we reload the systemd daemon with systemctl --user daemon-reload and then restart each service specified in serviceNames with systemctl --user restart <services>. Upon each redeployment, .service files for the respective profile are built and symlinked into the user’s HOME directory and restarted afterwards.

We include a simple while loop that checks every 5 seconds for up to 30 seconds in total to determine whether all services have started successfully. If any of the deployed services fail to start, the deployment is aborted, otherwise the deployment is considered complete. In case of deployment failure, deploy-rs will execute activation script of the previous profile generation if it exists to perform rollback.

We need to make some adjustments to our flake.nix file. First, we include deploy-rs, sops-nix, and home-manager inputs. Then in the let block, we import .services.nix:

services = import ./services.nix {
  inherit (inputs) nixpkgs;
  inherit pkgs inputs;
  modules = [ nixosModules.default ];

We also add a helper function to create deploy-rs nodes:

mkNode = {hostname ? "", script ? "activate", branch, port}: {
  inherit hostname;
  sshUser = "hello-world";
  user = "hello-world";
  profiles = {
    "hello-world-${branch}".path = deploy-rs.lib.x86_64-linux.activate.custom (services { inherit branch port; }) "$PROFILE/bin/${script}";

This node setup closely resembles the one in our server’s flake, with the difference that we are using hello-world user instead of root and in the profile activation script, we use deploy-rs.lib.x86_64-linux.activate.custom which allows us to specify a custom activation script. In our case, we invoke activate script from our profile.

Now, let’s add deploy.nodes for master and develop branches:

deploy = {
  nodes = {
    hello-world-master = mkNode {
      branch = "master";
      port = 3000;
    hello-world-develop = mkNode {
      branch = "develop";
      port = 3001;

Additionally, we include pkgs.sops, pkgs.age, and deploy-rs.packages.${system}.deploy-rs to devShell and define checks flake output, which includes our prettier-check and deploy-rs checks:

checks.x86_64-linux = { inherit prettier-check; } // deploy-rs.lib.${system}.deployChecks self.outputs.deploy;

To set up our CI/CD pipeline for deploying our profiles, we use self-hosted GitHub runners with nix available. Here is the CI configuration:

Click to expand main.yaml
name: hello-world-app CI/CD
      - master
      - develop
    runs-on: [self-hosted]
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: setup cachix
        uses: cachix/cachix-action@v12
          name: hello-world-cache
          authToken: ${{ secrets.CACHIX_TOKEN }}
      - name: build website
        run: nix build -L .#hello-world-app
      - name: check prettier
        run: nix build -L .#checks.x86_64-linux.prettier-check
        if: success() || failure()
      - name: check deploy schema
        run: nix build -L .#checks.x86_64-linux.deploy-schema
        if: success() || failure()
      - name: check deploy activate
        run: nix build -L .#checks.x86_64-linux.deploy-activate
        if: success() || failure()
    needs: check
    if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/develop' }}
    runs-on: [self-hosted]
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: setup cachix
        uses: cachix/cachix-action@v12
          name: hello-world-cache
          authToken: ${{ secrets.CACHIX_TOKEN }}
      - uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.7.0
          ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
      - name: deploy
        run: nix develop -c deploy .#hello-world-${GITHUB_REF##*/} --skip-checks

In this setup, there are two jobs: check for CI and deploy-branch for CD. In both of these jobs, we use cachix/cachix-action to cache nix builds. It’s highly recommended to setup a nix cache for your CI.

The check job is the CI part where we build our website and run all checks from the flake. The deploy-branch job is the CD part where we actually deploy the website on the pushes to the master and develop branches.

We utilize webfactory/ssh-agent to setup an SSH agent with the private key provided in secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY. This private key should match the public one specified in openssh.authorizedKeys.keys for the hello-world user in the server configuration. Additionally, your server should be added to known_hosts on the server where you host GitHub runners. Alternatively, you can remove host checking with deploy.node.hello-world-<branch>.sshOpts = [ "-o" "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" ] or using the CLI option of deploy-rs: --ssh-opts "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no".

Finally, in the deploy step we deploy our node with:

nix develop -c deploy .#hello-world-<branch> --skip-checks

Now our website should be deployed and up. To check the status of our systemd service on the server we can connect via SSH and run:

sudo su hello-world
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/$UID"
systemctl --user status hello-world-app-<master/develop>.service

We can also use journalctl --user -feu hello-world-app-<master/develop>.service to read service logs.

Pull request deployment

Runtime Verification also wanted to deploy a website for each open pull request, in addition to those deployed from the master and develop branches, to simplify review. These websites should be accessible from a URL subdomain that contains the pull request number, such as, where 123 represents the GitHub pull request number. To accomplish this, a new deployment node is needed specifically for deploying websites from pull requests.

Website deployment configuration

To define hello-world-pr deployment node, we need to add some changes to ./service.nix.

First, we must add another sops file for pull request secrets deployment. To do this, we make following changes:

secretsSuffix = if builtins.elem branch [ "master" "develop" ] then serviceSuffix else "-pr";
secrets = "${secretsFolder}/secrets${secretsSuffix}.env";

When deploying from a pull request, our profile will use ./secrets/secrets-pr.env sops file.

Additionally, we need a way to deactivate our deployments when pull requests are closed or merged. To accomplish this, we add a service deactivation script to the deployment profile. First we define a script to remove services:

removeServices = concatStringsSep "\n" (map (name: let serviceName = name + serviceSuffix; in ''
  set +e
  systemctl --user stop ${serviceName}.service
  systemctl --user disable ${serviceName}.service
  set -e
  rm -f -- "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/${serviceName}.service" "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/${serviceName}.service"
  '') serviceNames);

This script stops and disables services when possible and removes their configuration files.

In the deactiavation script, we remove services, then reload the systemd daemon and reset failed services, finally removing decrypted secrets:

deactivate = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "deactivate" ''
  set -euo pipefail
  export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/$UID"
  systemctl --user daemon-reload
  systemctl --user reset-failed
  rm -f ${secretsPathWithSuffix}

In flake.nix, a helper function prNode is defined:

prNumber = builtins.readFile ./pr-number;
prNode = script: mkNode {
  inherit script;
  branch = "pr${prNumber}";
  port = 43000 + pkgs.lib.mod (pkgs.lib.toInt prNumber) 1000;

This function accepts a script name to create nodes for the activation and deactivation of the deployment profile. For the branch, we simply use "pr${prNumber}", and for the port, we use a range from 43000 to 43999. To calculate port we take prNumber modulo 1000 and add this value to our initial port of 43000. It is important to commit the ./pr-number file with a placeholder value to enable the deployment checks to work and build the deployment profile.

Finally, we add two new nodes to the deploy.nodes output:

hello-world-pr = prNode "activate";
cleanup = prNode "deactivate";

hello-world-pr is used for deploying and activating services, and the cleanup node is used for deactivating our services. With these changes, we can proceed with the GitHub actions job for deployment.

GitHub actions configuration

The Github actions configuration for pull request deployment closely resembles that of branch deployments:

  needs: check
  if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.ref != 'refs/heads/develop' }}
  runs-on: [self-hosted]
    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
    - name: setup cachix
      uses: cachix/cachix-action@v12
        name: hello-world-cache
        authToken: ${{ secrets.CACHIX_TOKEN }}
    - uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.7.0
        ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
    - name: deploy
      run: |
        echo "${{ github.event.number }}" > pr-number
        nix develop -c deploy .#hello-world-pr --skip-checks

There are two key differences to note. First, the trigger condition now deploys on pull requests created from branches other than develop. Second, in the deploy script we echo the pull request number to the pr-number file before deploying .#hello-world-pr node.

Additionally, it’s possible to include GitHub actions configuration for deploying a deactivation script when a pull request is closed:

name: Cleanup

      - closed
    name: cleanup
    runs-on: [self-hosted]
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: setup cachix
        uses: cachix/cachix-action@v12
          name: hello-world-cache
          authToken: ${{ secrets.CACHIX_TOKEN }}
      - uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.7.0
          ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
      - name: deploy ${{ inputs.branch }}
        run: nix develop -c deploy .#cleanup --skip-checks

However, this is not necessary, as service deactivation will be handled on the server-side.

Server configuration

First, we will need to set up SSL certificates for our subdomains. Since our subdomains are dynamically created, we will use a wildcard cetrificate that can cover any * subdomain. To aquire such a certificate, your DNS provider’s API should support DNS-01 challenge.

We will once again use sops-nix for secrets deployment, but this time we will use NixOS module instead of Home Manager module.

In ./servers/hello-world-server.nix we add:

sops = {
  defaultSopsFile = ../secrets/secrets.yaml;
  age.keyFile = "/var/lib/sops-nix/key.txt";

As before, private age key should be present at age.keyFile.

Now, let’s add our token to .secrets/secrets.yaml, so the unencrypted file would look like this:

dns-provider-token: "<TOKEN>"

Then, we can create a file with <TOKEN> on our server by adding the following to the configuration:

sops.secrets.dns-provider-token = {};

The path of the decrypted token file can be referenced as config.sops.secrets.dns-provider-token.path.

Now, we can add the wildcard certificate for and all its subdomains to the ACME configuration:

security.acme = { = "";
  acceptTerms = true;
  certs."" = {
    group = "nginx";
    dnsProvider = "godaddy";
    credentialsFile = config.sops.secrets.dns-provider-token.path;
    extraDomainNames = ["*"];

The next step is to adjust nginx configuration for dynamically deloyed websites. First, we change services.nginx.virtualHosts."" to use the certificate we just created. Instead of extraConfig.enableACME, we use extraConfig.useACMEHost:

virtualHosts."" = mkHost {
  port = 3001;
  extraConfig.useACMEHost = "";

Then, add configuration for dynamic deployments in services.nginx.appendHttpConfig:

appendHttpConfig = let
  cert ="".directory;
in ''
  server {
    listen [::0]:80;
    server_name ~^(pr-([0-9]+));
    location / {
      return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

  server {
    listen http2 ssl;
    listen [::0]:443 http2 ssl;
    server_name ~^(pr-(?<pr_number>[0-9]+));

    ssl_certificate ${cert}/fullchain.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key ${cert}/key.pem;
    ssl_trusted_certificate ${cert}/chain.pem;

    location / {
      set_by_lua_block $server_port {
        return 43000 + ngx.var.pr_number % 1000

The first server block forces SSL by redirecting all HTTP requests to use HTTPS for any URLs that match the ^(pr-([0-9]+)) regex. In the second server block, which handles HTTPS connections, we configure our ssl_certificate:

ssl_certificate ${cert}/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key ${cert}/key.pem;
ssl_trusted_certificate ${cert}/chain.pem;

We capture the pr_number variable in our ^(pr-(?<pr_number>[0-9]+)) regex. To calculate the port based on pr_number, we use a code block provided by the lua module:

set_by_lua_block $server_port {
  return 43000 + ngx.var.pr_number % 1000

This follows the same logic as on the website part: we take pull request number modulo 1000 and add it to initial port of 43000 to calculate the $server_port variable which then used in the proxy_pass.

To use set_by_lua_block, we need to add the lua and develkit modules to nginx:

additionalModules = with pkgs.nginxModules; [ lua develkit ];

With these changes, dynamically deloyed website from pull request number NNN is now accessed on pr-<NNN>

The final step is to clean up services and profiles when pull requests are merged or closed. To achieve this, we define module in ./modules/cleanup.nix:

Click to expand cleanup.nix
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
  inherit (lib) mkEnableOption mkOption mkIf types mapAttrs';
  cfg =;
  cleanupConfig = types.submodule ({config, ...}: {
    options = {
      repo = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        description = ''
          Github repository
      githubOrganization = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        default = "runtimeverification";
      user = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        description = ''
          Name of the user used to deploy services
      bootTimer = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        default = config.timer;
        description = ''
          Defines a timer relative to when the machine was booted up
      timer = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        default = "15m";
        description = ''
          Defines a timer relative to when service was last activated
in { = {
    enable = mkEnableOption "cleanup";
    profiles = mkOption {
      type = types.attrsOf cleanupConfig;
      description = ''
        Attribute sets with configuration for each project, where attribute name is the name of the profile used in deploy-rs, without suffix
    tokenFile = mkOption {
      type = types.path;
      description = ''
        File with Github API token with read access to pull requests

  config = let
    mkTimer = profileName: {user, timer, bootTimer, ...}: {
      wantedBy = [ "" ];
      unitConfig.ConditionUser = user;
      timerConfig = {
        OnBootSec = bootTimer;
        OnUnitActiveSec = timer;
        Unit = "${profileName}-cleanup.service";
    mkService = profileName: {repo, githubOrganization, user, ...}: {
      script = ''
        set -euo pipefail

        OPEN_PRS=$((${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -L \
          -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
          -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"\
          -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
${githubOrganization}/${repo}/pulls?state=open&per_page=100) \
          | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq '.[] | .number')

        [[ ! -z "$OPEN_PRS" ]] && echo "Found open pull requests with numbers: $(echo $OPEN_PRS)"

        cd /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/${user}/

        for n in $(ls | grep -oP '(?<=${profileName}-pr)\d+' | sort -u); do
          if [[ ! $(echo $OPEN_PRS) =~ (^| )$n($| ) ]]; then
            echo "Removing services associated with pull request nubmer $n"
            source ${profileName}-pr$n/bin/deactivate
            echo "Removing nix profile associated with pull request nubmer $n"
            rm -f /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/${user}/${profileName}-pr$n{,-*}

      unitConfig.ConditionPathExists = [ cfg.tokenFile ];
      serviceConfig = {
        Type = "oneshot";
        EnvironmentFile = cfg.tokenFile;
  in mkIf cfg.enable {
    systemd.user.timers = mapAttrs' (name: opts: {
      name = "${name}-cleanup";
      value = mkTimer name opts;
    }) cfg.profiles; = mapAttrs' (name: opts: {
      name = "${name}-cleanup";
      value = mkService name opts;
    }) cfg.profiles;

This module is relatively simple: for each profile in the configuration, we need to provide the repository name, the GitHub organization name that owns the repository, the username under which our services are deployed and started, time interval between triggering the cleanup script, and the token file containing GitHub Personal Access Token with read access to pull requests.

The cleanup script itself is straightforward: it queries the GitHub API to get list of open pull requests (set it the OPEN_PRS variable). In the user profile folder, it finds all pull request numbers n, for which profiles with names ${profileName}-pr<n> exist. Then it checks if n is an element of OPEN_PRS. If not, it first calls the deactivation script with source ${profileName}-pr$n/bin/deactivate to stop and remove services deployed with this profile. Then, it simply removes the profile and all it’s generations with rm -f /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/${user}/${profileName}-pr$n{,-*}. Stale nix store paths will be removed on the next scheduled garbage collector run. This script is triggered by systemd timer.

To configure the cleanup module in our server config: = "hello-world";
services.cleanup = {
  enable = true;
  tokenFile =;
  profiles.hello-world = {
    repo = "hello-world-app";
    user = "hewllo-world";

First, we add gh-token secret (this will also require placing this secret in ./secrets/secrets.yaml) and set its owner to the hello-world user. In the profiles, we define the hello-world profile, which should match the profile name without the suffix (i.e. -pr<NNN> part). Note that there can be some other websites deployed on the same server, so you can have multiple profiles in the cleanup configuration. Now, when a pull request is merged or closed, corresponding profile and services will be removed on the next cleanup script trigger.

Our website deployment configuration for open pull requests is now complete. You can find the complete configurations for the website and server described in this blog post here.


Through our collaboration with Runtime Verification, we have developed a versatile website deployment workflow, using nix, deploy-rs, and GitHub actions. This workflow covers deployment for static branches, encrypted secrets, and dynamic deployments for open pull requests.

The key concept involves deploying websites as systemd units within a nix profile. Although our initial profile included just two services (one for the website itself and the other for secrets decryption), this approach is highly scalable. You can easily expand it to deploy any number of services, whether it is a separate backend service, a one-shot service for database migration, or any other service you require. Additionally, this approach supports managing an arbitrary number of deployment instances. In this blogpost, we have used this feature to simplify the pull request review process.

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