Blog: What's That Typeclass

What's That Typeclass: Alternative
In this article, we introduce the Alternative typeclass in Haskell: what it is, how it works, and where it can be used.

Article by Markus Barenhoff
August 8th, 2023
14 min read

What's That Typeclass: Functor
What's the Functor typeclass, and how can it be used? Find all the information you need to get started with Functor in our beginner-friendly blog post.

Introduction to Haskell Typeclasses
In this article, we introduce you to typeclasses in Haskell: what they are, how they can be used, and how to define your own instances of typeclasses.
What's That Typeclass: Monoid
What is the Monoid typeclass, and how can you use it in your Haskell code? In our beginner-oriented article, we give you all the information you need.
What's That Typeclass: Foldable
What's the Foldable typeclass, what are its methods, and where can it be used? Find the answers in our beginner-oriented article on Foldable.